John and Dot started their appreciation for wine through weekend trips to wineries to enjoy the country atmosphere and to sample the wine offerings.
John’s passion for wine-making began to develop while being mentored by two local men who owned a wine-making supplies store in the area at the time. This enthusiastic group of winemakers decided to start a club where they could share knowledge and experience with other local winemakers. John and Dot’s appreciation for wine grew from sweet wines, to semi-sweet, and then to dry wines. John continued to research his new hobby and in 2007 started to plant his own vineyard.
John and Dot decided to take the plunge into becoming winery owners in 2011. Starting small, they continued to increase their wine selections as well as the size of their business. Since they’ve made and love a variety of styles of wines, they understand the importance of having a wide variety of offerings for their customers. They’ve grown from selling wine out of their garage, to having a satellite store in a neighboring county and are now building a new facility to better accommodate their higher levels of production as well as customer flow.

John and Dot are directly involved in all aspects of their winery operations from vineyard, to wine-making, to tasting rooms sales and off-site events, and to packaging and preparing wine shipments. They recently started the local Washington County Chapter of the American Wine Society and continue to help local home winemakers with advice and support through the club and sales of wine making supplies at the winery.
John and Dot invite each of you to stop in and experience the relaxing environment they have created on their 16-acre property in rural Washington County.